Reservoir simulation process reservoir simulation is briefly. Finite element simulation of oil and gas reservoir in situ. Although this corner point description handles the fault issue, the basic coordinate system remains a regular. Impact of the en echelon fault connectivity on reservoir flow.
Jun 03, 2015 the majority of reservoir simulation studies conducted today use cartesian or corner point structured grids with some application of local grid refinement to evaluate infill well locations or to more accurately calculate water andor gas coning in a well. Reservoir simulation models are becoming increasingly sophisticated in tandem. Widely used commercial simulators usually model flow through heavily faulted and structurally complex geometries with the flexibility provided by corner point geometry. However, a ssg only provides an approximation to the fault geometry and reservoir volumes when the grid is coarse. The power of the streamlines can be exploited using both finitedifference and streamline simulators. The mesh must faithfully represent the architecture of the reservoir and its heterogeneity.
Two related issues are involved in choosing a grid for reservoir simulation. Jun 01, 2019 introduction cornerpoint is widely used in reservoir simulation due to its flexibility to represent geological features, such as faults, and complex boundaries of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Mesh generation becomes a crucial step in reservoir flow simulation of new generation. The finite element simulation of the stress field provides a relatively probable presentation of the in situ stress distribution. Lemonnier, use of corner point geometry in reservoir simulation, society of petroleum engineers, vol. Such a grid may be chosen such that cell boundaries. Structured grid simulation remains the predominant practice in reservoir simulation. The conventional method, using cartesian or corner point geometry grids, has difficulty representing faults. It can handle both single and dual porosity reservoirs. The structure of unstructured grids centre for computational.
Advanced discretization methods for flow simulation using. The 3d voxel model is the foundation of geological property modeling, and it is also an effective approach to achieve the 3d visualization of heterogeneous attributes in geological structures. Understand how the simulator initializes and executes. Allocate initial pressure and saturation distributions. It is extremely flexible and can be used to simulate complex reservoir structures using several grid options such as rectangular grids, radial grids, corner point geometry and automatic grid generation. A threedimensional 3d corner point grid model gives a relatively accurate description of the structural properties and spatial distribution of oil and gas reservoirs than cartesian grids. The 3d system in a grid allows a better examination of infill well locations and watergas calculations. Applications of computational geometry for automatic. Structural framework and reservoir gridding ring team. The grids must be identical in the domain solved by the reservoir simulator. The ability to use complex grids greatly increases the applicability of these methods. Faults are internal boundaries that are important to model in reservoir simulation.
Complex geometries in reservoir simulation studies use cartesian or corner point structured grids. The transmissibility of faulted connections in corner. The transmissibility of faulted connections in cornerpoint geometry. It simulates oil and gas reservoir performance by computing the gas, oil, and water phase flow within the reservoir. Corner point geometry in reservoir simulation semantic. Chapter 7 reservoir geometry and properties reading assignment.
The physical properties of the reservoir are stored at the grid point steps define a proper grid structure modelling. Introductionintroduction reservoir simulation, or modeling, is one of the most powerful techniques currently available to the reservoir engineer. In order to distinguish depth variations due to these two effects, it is useful to specify a simulation cell through the positions of its eight corner points. Baddourah abstract introduction reservoir simulation is one of the commonly used tools in the oil and gas industry to estimate recovery and con. A model must be either corner point or blockcentred. Learn about reservoir simulation using eclipse blackoil. Correcting this issue required manual editing of faulthorizon intersections, which proved time consuming. Article navigation unconventional modelling of faulted reservoirs.
Hydrocarbon reservoirs commonly possess a geometry which incorporates both dip and faulting. In proceedings of the joint imaspe european conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, 1416 july, cambridge, uk. Use of corner point geometry in reservoir simulation. Hybrid mesh generation for reservoir flow simulation. Although the use of these grids permits a good representation of reservoir geological features and reservoir description, the use of 5 point scheme yields wrong results, since fluxes through interfaces are calculated. Pdf in this paper, we introduce a new method to generate a hybrid mesh from a cpg corner point geometry reservoir grid and a radial mesh around a. Cornerpoint grids are supported by most reservoir simulation software, and has become an industry standard. Simulation model grid and edit section description part 25. Society of petroleum engineers, richardson, tx, usa, paper spe 29933. An exact analytic expression is obtained for the cell volume. Eclipse is a fully implicit, threephase, 3d, general purpose blackoil simulator that includes several advanced and.
Details of this transformation are given by prevost et al. However, nature is not as orderly as the laboratory machine shop and thus the reservoir model must conform with the natural boundaries of the. Corner point geometry defines cells by the locations of their corners. Proceedings of the joint imaspe european conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, 1416 july 1989, cambridge, uk.
Flowsim plano research oil and gas companies software. We first established a fine 3d reservoir model with corner point grids and then converted the. Tpg4160 reservoir simulation 2018 lecture note 1 norwegian university of science and technology professor jon kleppe department of petroleum engineering and applied geophysics 8. Reservoir simulation ipsas petroleum reservoir fluid dynamics. Flexible grids, such as corner point geometry, triangular grids or voronoi grids, can be used to improve the accuracy. Edfm for fieldscale reservoir simulation with complex corner. Degeneracy edit a main feature of the format is the ability to define erosion surfaces in geological modelling, effectively done by collapsing nodes along each pillar. The method is an extension of the approach proposed in 1 to the case of cpg grids with high level of deformation.
Ponting, corner point grid geometry in reservoir simulation, in proceedings of the ecmor i1st european conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, cambridge. Us20120035896a1 reservoir upscaling method with preserved. Accuracy with which the geological description of the reservoir is matched discretisation of the flow equations heriot watt university, reservoir simulation course grid. Pdf basics of reservoir simulation with the eclipse. Chapter 3 in reservoir simulation if reservoirs were rectangular parallelpipeds then they could be modeled with cartesian coordinates. Both methods are of great importance to the exploration and development of. Both use the general 8noded, low order elements, which are commonly referred to as cpg corner point geometry grids in reservoir simulation. Use of corner point geometry in reservoir simulation the corner point geometry distorted grids is often used as an alternative for complex fullfield studies. Request pdf hybrid mesh generation for reservoir flow simulation.
Thiele once the exit point location xe,ye,ze is known, it becomes the inlet position of the neighboring block and so the streamline can be traced from block to block as shown in figure 6. Structured versus unstructured pebi grids in reservoir. In geometry, a cornerpoint grid is a tessellation of a euclidean 3d volume where the base cell has 6 faces a set of straight lines defined by their end points define the pillars of the cornerpoint grid. Applications of computational geometry for automatic transformation to unstructured reservoir gridding firas h. Different from cartesian grids, the locations of corner points for each block are defined using coordinate lines and depths wadsley, 1980.
Appendix 5 caprock evaluation and reservoir simulation study. Flowsimis a fully implicit, threephase, threedimensional blackoil and compositional reservoir simulator. Reservoir simulation, which mimics or infers the behavior of fluid flow in a petroleum reservoir system through the use of mathematical models, is one of the methods that is widely used in petroleum upstream development and production. Schlumberger geoquest, eclipse 100 reference manual, geoquest simulation.
Extension to highly deformed corner point geometry grids this paper presents a method to extend the generation algorithm. This approach is very smooth and user friendly in our case, the geological elements constraint the mesh opposed to cartesian approach. Finite element simulation of oil and gas reservoir in situ stress. Familiarize with the reservoir simulation, including the descriptions and different representations of well and aquifer. Among these flexible grids, the corner point geometry is the most used with the advantage of easy implementation in standard reservoir simulators and of. For a single gridblock, the positions of its eight corner points are specified individually.
Complex reservoir model constructed using corner point geometry issues in chossing a reservoir simulation grid i. Kuliah ivgridding and well modelling in reservoir simulation. The faces of such a cell may be bilinear surfaces, and may form part of a distorted grid. Flowsim studio fully compositional and black oil reservoir. Understand all aspects used in nodal analysis approach starting from the fundamentals and up to the parameters used for overall production system optimization.
A system of coordinate lines and corner point depths used to construct such a model is described. Hybrid mesh generation for reservoir flow simulation in cpg grids. International meeting on petroleum engineering, 1417 november, beijing, china. Geometry approaches, are widely used in the reservoir simulation. Globally structured grids, including the socalled stratigraphic or cpg corner point geometry approaches, are widely used in the reservoir simulation community. However, there has been strong and growing interest in developing methods, tools, and workflows that employ generally unstructured grids because they can represent the complexity of. The transmissibility of faulted connections in cornerpoint.
Globally structured grids, including the socalled stratigraphic or cpg corner point. Cornerpoint geometry is based on specifying the locations of all the eight corners of each grid. Corner point geometry in reservoir simulation semantic scholar. For flow simulation performance, a dynamic grid with a reduced number of cells is built and properties are upscaled from the static grid. Several cases where complex reservoir geometry or complex flow problems could be better. The original corner point format has been extended in several directions, for instance to allow intersection of two straight pillars in the shape of the. The pillars have a lexicographical ordering that determines neighbouring pillars. Jan 01, 2020 corner point grids are widely used in reservoir simulation to represent realistic reservoir geometry.
In geometry, a cornerpoint grid is a tessellation of a euclidean 3d volume where the base cell. Reservoir simulation course numerical methods in reservoir simulation upscaling, or homogenisation, is. Corner point grid is a representative structured grid model that is widely used nowadays. Nonconventional wells are utilized to enlarge production rates and recovery in petroleum industry. Basics of reservoir simulation with the eclipse reservoir simulator lecture notes. Akhil dattagupta the use of streamline technology is becoming common for reservoir flow visualization, dynamic reservoir characterization, and optimal flood management. Strategies to regroup finescale cells into coarsescale grid blocks vary but are very often limited by corner point geometry and fixed topology of reservoir grids. Introduction to reservoir simulation analytical and. It is also possible to link basin and reservoir simulation using our methods for more efficient integrated studies. Pdf reservoir modeling for flow simulation using surfaces. The use of streamline technology is becoming common for reservoir flow visualization, dynamic reservoir characterization, and optimal flood management.
Dynamic effects of fault modeling on stairstep and cornerpoint. Flowsim studio can handle both single and dual porosity reservoirs. In corner point grids, a series of coordinate lines and depths are given to construct the reservoir model wadsley, 1980. Fieldscale reservoir simulations are usually carried out using corner point grids ponting, 1989 with a 5 point stencil for the sake of simplicity of the whole numerical scheme. Pdf hybrid mesh generation for reservoir flow simulation in. The most common use of hybrid grids are cartesianradial distorted grids and corner point geometry corner point geometry. Streamline simulation 8th international forum on reservoir simulation, 2005 marco r. Embedded discrete fracture modeling for compositional. Pebi and structured cartesian, corner point grids will be emphasized, outlining their advantages and disadvantages from the point of view of both reservoir modeling geometric representation and reservoir simulation dynamic behavior.
Usually these contour maps have either sea level as a reference plane or a plane that is approximately parallel with the reservoir if the reservoir is steeply dipping. Spe 163585 a new approach to load balance for parallel. The company also found that corner point gridding methods slowed down modeling when scarce input data was available, causing modeled horizons to display inconsistent geometry around complex fault compartments. Generalized transmissibilities for distorted grids in. Most faulted fullfield flowsimulation models currently used in. Use of corner point geometry in reservoir simulation spe. Streamline simulation 7th international forum on reservoir simulation marco r.
Mathematical model computer codes numerical model physical model figure 1. Thiele is possible to transform corner point geometry grids cpg into unit cubes, apply pollocks method, and then transform the exit coordinate back to physical space. Spe 149690pa accurate modelling of faults by multipoint, mimetic. Cell 1, 1, 1 is connected to cell 2, 1, 2 and cell 2, 1, 3, because they share some common contact area. Pdf eclipse lecture notes 1 elite solutions macanthony. Edfm for fieldscale reservoir simulation with complex. This ensures a fully functional mesh generation for realistic cases. Use one of the most sophisticated tools for modelling hydraulically fractured reservoirs to accurately capture transient flow behaviour and to achieve better production forecasts. Interblock transmissibility calculation analysis for petroleum. Applications to reservoir simulation, characterization and management srs. Impact of the en echelon fault connectivity on reservoir. The use of the computer model to solve reservoir engineering problem is generally known as reservoir simulation. Introduction to reservoir simulation analytical and numerical.
A cornerpointgridbased voxelization method for the. A comparative study of geometrical upscaling methods for. A computer program written to solve equations of numerical models constitutes a computer model of the reservoir. This approach can better adapt the grid to reservoir boundaries, faults, horizontal wells and flow patterns and is easily used in standard finite difference reservoir simulators. Flexible grids in reservoir simulation reservoir simulation involves the application of numerical methods to solve a system of conservation laws that describe fluid flow in a porous medium. Corner point cells may be skewed, tilted, wedgeshaped or pinchedout altogether. It is extremely flexible and can be used to simulate complex reservoir structures using several grid options such as rectangular grids, radial grids, corner point geometry. Introduction reservoir simulation is based on well known reservoir basic analysis engineering equations and techniques the same if a reservoir is fairly homogeneous, average values equations and techniques the reservoir engineer has of the reservoir properties, such as porosity, are ade been using for years. Pdf finite element simulation of oil and gas reservoir. We think that multiple scales should be used earlier on, and that. Spe reservoir simulation symposium february 10, 1985 dallas, texas all days. The corner point geometry distorted grids is often used as an alternative for complex fullfield studies. Reservoir simulation models are becoming increasingly sophisticated in tandem with the rapid development of geological modeling methods. In an embodiment, the reservoir upscaling method can be applied to a corner point geometry grid.
Pdf we present new approaches to reservoir modelling and flow simulation that. Since the motivation for irregular grids is the ac curacy of the discretization, such formulations are best limited to careful, restricted use in practice. After some 20 years of progress, reservoir modeling still raises practical and theoretical challenges. Jun 11, 2019 corner point geometry in reservoir simulation. Comparison of corner point and unstructured grids for reservoir simulation.
When implementing subdivision for the complex geological structure model with folds, its structural morphology. The eclipse industryreference blackoil simulator offers the most complete and robust set of numerical solutions for fast and accurate prediction of dynamic behaviorfor all types of reservoirs and degrees of complexity, structure, geology, fluids, and development schemes. The reservoir geometry data that is usually available are contour maps of reservoir thickness and the depth of the top reservoir surface trom sea level fig. Department of energys office of scientific and technical information. Corner point geometry in reservoir simulation earthdoc.
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